Monday, April 16, 2007



I’m so excited that you have visited my website… Welcome and I hope you feel right at “HOME”… I wanted to share, in short, what God is doing in my life these days…

My husband, Karl, and I moved to the Oklahoma City, OK area back in December 2006… We lived in Sacramento, California …we got married, raised children, have grandchildren, had jobs, did ministry and enjoyed L.I.F.E. in California for decades… about 4 to be exact…

About 2 years ago the Lord placed on our hearts to move to Oklahoma and to start a ministry… We felt the Lord calling us to minister to couples and for me to mentor women…

We packed up and left our lives as we knew it for so long… We embraced and kissed our children and grandchildren with love and much tears and heartfelt goodbyes…we also said goodbye to our extended family, lifetime friends, jobs and church family… with a God-given dream and a vision in our hearts we headed down the freeway to Okalahoma… Wow, that is L.I.F.E. = Living in Faith Everyday…

Karl and I felt kind of like Abraham, putting our Isaac on the altar…our very gifts God gave us he asked us to place on the altar… Those that know us know this was no easy or quick decision but truly felt that this was a God-given direction… As we are obedient and serve the Lord with gladness then we truly can be content in whatever “State” we are in… Smile…

After arriving in Ok., we immediately set up House to make it our “HOME”, started attending a wonderful church called “The Bridge” and then began connecting with people and living Life = Living In Faith Everyday…

The walk of Faith is exciting and adventurous and sometimes even a little scary … it’s like stepping out on nothing and landing on something…

We believe what the word says, “Without Faith it is impossible to please God”, Hebrews 11:6… “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”… we test it and try it and see if it is of God… “The righteous shall live by Faith”, Romans 1:17… “Faith is the substances of things hoped for but the evidence of things not yet seen.” Hebrews 11:1 …

I was raised in a Christian home and my father was a pastor and my mother a Bible teacher and mentor… As you can tell that I am from a family of ministry…One of the Scriptures our family always quoted, besides the salvation message, is Proverbs 3:4-5 , Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” …that is truly how our family has lived… We make our plans but allow the Lord to order our footsteps…

Karl and are not reckless people or ones who throw our lives to the wind without counting the cost… we are committed to the Lord, our children, family and friends and are people who worked at our jobs for decades… but as children of God we read His Word, pray, live passionately for Him and follow His footsteps, He says, “Come – Follow Me and I will make you Fishers of Men”…

What a joy to serve Christ… L.I.F.E. = Living In Faith Everyday… that is what this ministry is all about… That is what L.I.F.E. is all about…The righteous shall live by Faith… We study and read the Bible and find out how the people lived by Faith and put their trust, hope and lives in the hands of the true and living God…

I cannot do life alone so, I put my Faith and Trust in Jesus, the “author and perfecter of my Faith”, Hebrews 12:2…

Thanks for hearing my heart and I can’t wait till the next time we chat… Blessings in Abundance as you walk in the steps of Jesus living L.I.F.E. to the fullest in Jesus’ name…

Loving Jesus and You,



Anonymous said...

It was so wonderful to see in words what you and Karl have actually been walking out over the past two years. Where God guides, He provides. Your life is a living testimony to God's love, mercy, grace, and faithfulness. We serve an awesome God who gives us more than we can ever dream or imagine. Your intentional steps of obedience are inspiring!

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you! I love that you and Karl are willing to follow God wherever that is. What an adventure! You are a wonderful example and inspiration to all who desire to please God.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I can truly see Gods word coming forth in your life... as you declared: Proverbs 3:4-5 , Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”

You are both actual fishers of men. We can never untangle all the woes in other people’s lives. We can’t produce miracles overnight, but we can bring a cup of cool water to a thirsty soul, or a scoop of laughter to a lonely heart. I'm more then proud of you both, and your website has brought a cool drink of life to me.

Continual Love & Spiritual support,
Love your sister Judy

Anonymous said...

Your warm embrace to our community has been inspiring. Few things heal wounded spirits better than the balm of a supportive embrace.

We welcome your embrace to our community. No love, or friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever.

Welcome to our district

Anonymous said...

I am one of the many lives indelibly touched by your ministry and by your obedience to follow his requests. I am thankful for the ways in which you are a constant encouragement for me to continue pressing on towards the prize! Thank you for giving of yourself again and again, and for allowing Him to be glorified. I praise Jesus for bringing Dorcas and Karl Schroeder into my life! You are my gift and I am grateful.

Anonymous said...

May your footsteps set you upon a lifetime journey of joy, peace, contentment, and happiness - May you wake each day with His blessings and sleep every night in His keeping, and may you forever walk in His tender affectionate of mercy and grace.

You two are an awe-inspiring couple full of love, companionship, and friendship. God made Eve for Adam and God made Dorcas for Karl. Your inspirational devotion to God and each other gives me HOPE for a fresh NEW day in my life.

A Friend,

Anonymous said...

If you are skilled in a particular arena in which someone you love is having trouble, we send and encouraging e-mail. God will honor our kindness, and our friend will feel comforted. Lord how can I comfort someone today? Show me, and then help me to do it.

So this is why I send this email to YOU today Dorcas for your life displays skillfulness, talent, and ability in so many way I pray that the God of love shines down on you today.

Love Your Friend I’m thinking of you today.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being obedient to God even when God asked you to come to Oklahoma. You have touched my life by being obedient to the lord.

Sincerely, an anonymous acquaintance,

Anonymous said...

Those who are routinely performing small acts of kindness, in their own small way are showing great acts of love, and Dorcas you are that kind of person full of kindness and love all the time. You show love in so many ways it is in your smile, it is in your laughter, or in your speech and in your giving of time and energy for others. I enjoy being around you and your amazingly warm heart.

Thanks for being there.
Love your friend.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to Oklahoma you are such a blessing to all of us.

Your friend

Anonymous said...

Some say a picture says a thousand words but I say one word of hope from the Schroeders can paint ten thousand beautiful pictures. Thanks for hope...

Deanna Gray said...

Hello Dorcas!
You are so beautiful and wonderful! I love and admire you so much! Thank you for encouraging me. You truly are a gift from the Lord. And thanks for being mom's BFF. :) Love You!
-Your Dazygirl